It’s an entirely new way of promoting music, using the internet in a way that doesn’t feel forced or contrived but entirely natural. He understands that in a digital world, music isn’t static, but meant to facilitate an ongoing conversation.” “His music isn’t meant to be consumed as just music or watched just as a video, but it’s also meant to be remixed, transmitted, shared, parodied and commented on. “Lil Nas X understands the internet probably better than any other artist currently working,” wrote internet culture expert Ryan Broderick in his Garbage Day newsletter. He doesn’t just tap into pop culture, he is pop culture – and the internet loves him for it. He’s fluent in TikTok and Twitter, an expert in clapbacks and a master of meme-speak. In a world where many artists’ online presence is carefully curated by extensive social media teams, Lil Nas X is gleefully throwing himself in headfirst and trolling the trolls straight back. He’s become such a familiar face on our feeds that it’s easy to forget what an extraordinary phenomenon he is.